Do most know what HD should look like? Uncovering the big lie!

If your the typical consumer you probably have bought a new big screen HDTV in the past few years. You had high hopes of enjoying all your favorite shows and or sporting events in breathtaking HD. You hooked it up to your cable system, small dish system, IPTV, or tv antenna and commence to watching. As you watch  you start saying to yourself, this thing don’t look as good as my old clunky tv with a picture tube looked. It looks soft  and smeary.  It has fuzziness and or blocks in the picture especially on fast action.

You mess around with the settings hoping to improve the picture, it don’t help. You call your tv provider or go back to the big box store you bought the TV at. They up sell you with new HDMI cables or tell you you need their super duper HD tier. You hook it all up and end up looking at the picture and say this thing is no better, Whats going on?  Disgusted you conform and say it is what it is, or say to yourself I should have stuck with my old TV set.

Why does this typical scenario go on? Why can’t I get the picture I was promised by the salesman in the store?


First off when you went to the store they probably had an in house promo reel playing showing you breathtaking scenes with clarity and detail. Sure it looked good because that promo was done without massively compressing the picture quality.

You bring it home and you hook the HDTV up in the real world with the poor quality signal 99% of the providers provide. Those 99% take the original high quality signal and massively compress (shrink the picture) to fit in  the bandwidth they have available on their system. Once they are done with massively compressing it it gets expanded (with detail information lost in the processing) to the large screen size on your end. You then end up with the real world POOR PRODUCT that you pay $100.00 or more a month for.

Wouldn’t you rather see that same breathtaking picture you shelled out your hard earned money for in the store on your favorite show or sporting event in your home?

We’ll now there is a way and its only provided by ONE TV PROVIDER, Rainier Satellite. At Rainier we use the original Master first generation signal and send it to you directly without altering it at all to your backyard C band Satellite dish system. The end result is breathtaking sharpness, clarity and deep non washed out color. Sporting events look like you at the event . Fast acting sports does not fuzzy up or block (tile) out.  Your favorite program is sharp and defined. You finally get the quality you paid for out of that new HDTV.

Get more information here on how it all works to get that breathtaking picture you paid for and deserve.

Published by


Media and promotions director Rainier Satellite.LLC

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