Ovation TV is now authorized for all current Lifeline Basic Subscribers. Its been added by Rainier Satellite to you at no extra cost.
Here are the setup specifications for your Rainier D9865 receiver.

Ovation Offers 3 Big Name Movies Nightly and other favorite TV Shows.

Ovation premiered on April 21, 1996 and was re-launched on June 20, 2007 to a national audience. It has now been added to the Rainier Satellite lineup in PURE HD only available on Rainier. The channel currently reaches approximately 50 million subscribers. Were proud to be offering it to our subscribers as Rainier continues to grow.

We want to thank all the good people at Ovation and also at Game Show Network who worked hard with Rainier to get these launched and authorized for us quickly.
More channel content and other surprises are coming from us soon so stay tuned…

If you don’t have Rainier Satellite yet your missing out on all the excitement. Wouldn’t be nice to see your C band dish fill up with great HD channels instead of sitting empty? Why wait any longer? Get on board with the best in PURE HD entertainment today.